Sign-Up for 40 Day Prayer Chain! | Week 5

week of 4/20/20

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Things look a little bit different this week! A couple weeks back, Cru hosted an online event of prayer, worship, teaching, & invited us to Be Still — & thousands joined in! That event launched us into a 40-day, 24-hour prayer chain. We want to invite you to join & sign up!

There are still a lot of time slots available in May! You can access the sign up and all other necessary info on Cru’s website using the link below. You can also sign up for a 40 day devotional series!

This of course doesn’t mean you can’t still take advantage of ways to reach out and have spiritual conversations with your loved ones this week. It’s been so amazing to see and hear stories of what has come from these challenges & the conversations you’ve been able to have!
He is able & He is still doing great things!