While VWU is a small private private school, they boast a vibrant student activities and organizations department. We are proud to be one of the religious organizations represented on this campus. We believe God loves you with an everlasting love and at Cru we want to grow in knowing Christ more intimately, encouraging each other in His love, and making Him known to others. We meet on Thursday nights in the student union for an evening of food, worship, and a Biblical discussion. We also do lots of outreaches, prayer, Bible studies, and discipleship. Specifically, our ministry is led by a Cru staff woman, Katie Carpenter. She has been on staff for 17 years and you can often see her on campus with her two beautiful young children. She (and her kids) would love to meet you! Katie and VWU Cru is committed to seeing lost men and women have an opportunity to know how they can have a relationship with Christ and to helping believing men and women experience a vibrant and abundant walk with the Lord.


Cru at VWU was started in 2010 when the University was simply known as Virginia Wesleyan College. A few Cru staff members spent a semester prayer walking and sharing their faith on campus. Following a great partnership and connection with the Virginia Wesleyan chaplain, we launched at the end of the semester with a small Bible study. What began as a great partnership with a small private school and chaplain, has developed into hundreds of lives being impacted for the gospels over the last decade.