Cru is a diverse community of believers on campus seeking to love God and love others. We meet every Monday night for our Large Group Gathering with approximately 50+ students for an evening of worship, Biblical teaching, discussion groups, and some crazy games. We also place a high value on being involved in small groups that are devoted to discussing the Bible and caring for each other. These Bible study groups are offered Wednesday & Thursday nights, and are led by staff members with Cru who are delighted to pour into and be a caring ear to listen to students. We also participate in monthly outreaches and community service projects. One of those outreaches involves a great partnership with an international student ministry. We help international students with language, adjusting to the culture, questions about faith, and ultimately we become great friends with people from around the world. Finally, we also love having a good time and you can find us spending weekends doing all kinds of activities together—movies, football games, bowling, bake-offs, frisbee, and much more. We would love to have you be a part of this community!
ODU Cru was started in 2009 with the help of 4 Cru staff new to the area. After meeting four interested students, the first Bible study was launched by Starbucks in the Webb. After years of faithfully serving God, sharing our faith, and leading Bible studies—we’ve recently seen our ministry grown exponentially as more students are involved than ever before.